Yesterday was a busy day on the CNC router.
One of the projects I’m working on at the moment is a doll display cabinet. Well, yesterday afternoon, I carved what will be the handles for the cabinet, a bow. The run time on the file was around 4 hours and 15 minutes. A long cut, but I’m really pleased with how they came out. I have to spend some time sanding them and then they will be painted “Ella Rose”. A unique set of handles that I think will be a beautiful touch on a distinctive piece of furniture.
In the morning I cut out a number of fun shapes for a new client. Puzzle pieces and mazes. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I never thought I would be cutting this out when I first got the CNC machine.
The maze was a challenge as the material was 2″ thick and the maze had a diameter of 47″. I had to buy a 1/2″ compression bit with a cutting edge length of 2 1/8″. A big, expensive chunk of carbide! I was a bit concerned going into the project but was thrilled at how the ShopBot handled the cut. Both the maze and puzzle pieces will ultimately become large wall art installations.
It’s very satisfying to be able to help my clients bring their vision, regardless of what it is, a step closer to becoming a reality.